Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Justice in Benito Cereno Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Justice in Benito Cereno - Essay Example At the end, the leader of the revolt, Babo, was caught and killed. The story creates such an atmosphere where identifying the role of justice is a difficult task. However, a thorough scrutiny reveals that real justice was not ultimately done in the story. The story reveals that the purpose of the revolt for the blacks was to gain freedom, not to torture the whites. For example, after capturing the ship, the first thing Negro Babo asked was â€Å"whether there were in those seas any Negro countries where they might be carried† (Melville 64). This gives the insight that the sole purpose for the blacks was to regain their freedom and go back to a black country where they would not be subjugated to slavery. In addition, it is the fear of losing freedom that made them kill their master Don Alexandro Aranda. Negro Babo informed Don Benito of the intention in advance and gave the reason â€Å"he and his companions could not otherwise be sure of their liberty† (Meville 65). Apparently, the blacks had no intention to enslave the whites and torture them but to ensure their own liberty. In addition, the blacks used the chance to teach the whites the lesson that subjugation, torture and death are equally painful for all humans. To illustrate, on killing Don Alexandro Aranda, the ship’s proper figure-head was replaced by his skeleton. Thereafter, every white in the ship was asked, â€Å"whether, from its whiteness, he should not think it a white’s† (Melville 66). There is evident sarcasm aiming at the mentality of the whites seeing everything done by whites as virtue and blacks as vice. In simple terms, one can say that the revolt by the blacks was an effort to regain their much-valued freedom from the clutches of the whites. The readiness of blacks to risk their lives for the air of freedom is evidenced from their claim â€Å"they would do and conform themselves to everything the deponent should require as to eating and drinking† (Melville 64). Thus, the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Samsung and Theme Park Essay Example for Free

Samsung and Theme Park Essay The Industry Theme Park is a large entertainment area and has variety complexes with theme in each of its complex. Theme Park is a global Industry operating in North America, Europe and Asia with attendance from local area and from all over the world. Theme park become necessity for the people to get entertainment and leisure after busy working day, especially for family. The reason that people come to theme park is the ride that delight them to visit again. Needs Analysis. The needs of this entertainment industry is increasing year after year as the attendance of amusement park on Farmland is increasing at 5. 113 thousand in 1993, that show us that there is growth in the Market. (table 4). From table 8. The need of the theme park for the south Korean consumer place a rate of 22%, it shows the need Korean people work for 5 and a half days every week, that indicate that they are very busy, and seems that they have no time for going to the theme park, but in the other hand if we provide a good theme park we can deliver the need of leisure for them after the busy work. In the worldwide, this business is already mature, so we have to arrive with a concept that distinct our theme park with the other theme park, therefore we can attract global market to our theme park. The influencer of the needs: * Family : Spouse, Children, Parents, media promotion * Single : Friends, Colleague , social membership, media promotion 5 FORCES ANALYSIS Competitive Rivalry within Theme Park Industry : HIGH Local Rivalry There are 6 amusement park industry in Korea and Lotte world and Seoul Land are the closest competitor. Lotte world is stated themselves as the biggest Indoor Theme Park in the world and they are located at downtown, which is one of the key success in the business with the accessibility. Seoul Land is the closest competitor with farmland with the similarity of the place, that offer fresh air and easy access. International Rivalry The worldwide theme park such as Walt Disney in North America, Europe, and Asia, with global connection around the world. ENTRANCE : HIGH High investment in Land, Building and construction services, Hardware provider for the ride, and Software provider. The risk of safety is high, required 100% insurance coverage The know how of the industry is not easy, The benchmark is Walt Disney, in order to provide world class themepark haave to join venture with Disney, But Disney not interested in Korea. SUBSTITUE : HIGH Free amusement places are available, such as beach, garden,mall etc Watching Movie in theatre, or just stay at home because of heavy traffic. SUPPLIER POWER : LOW Technology is one of the main issue in this business, especially machinery and software. There are around 10 players who can supply the machinery, so we can get a good price for machinery. The high turnover because woman stop working after marriage become an advantage because the new employee give fresh new idea for the theme park. BUYERS POWERS : HIGH Theme Park is depend on the qapacity of the attendance. They can easily change to another park. Pricing competitive with another park SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH * Farmland is the first amusement park in Korea * Already have a brand Image. * Have large mother Company Samsung that operate in 65 countries * Samsung Industries can have synergy with theme park since they have four core business in electronics, machinery, chemical and Finance insurance WEAKNESS * Korean Climate with Winter from December to Mid march, and heavy shower in June and July, that gives potential time for the market in June to early September, which is only 4 months in a year. * Management has to learn the business because Walt Disney not interested in joint venture with Samsung Korea. * Limited existing parking space to cover future extension. * The traditional habit not to smile to stranger may affect the need of service oriented people. OPPORTUNITY * Economic Growth in Korea is high, per-capita GNP risen from US$4210 in 1989 to US$7513 in 1993 (56%) (exhibit2) * Over 10 millions Korean Living in Seoul * Attendance are growing every year * With a good an distinctive concept can capture worldwide market. * Government plans to built subway up to yongin will provide convenience and reduce the heavy traffic problem THREAT * Strict Government Regulation of the use of the Land. * The protest from the farmer that farmland expansion can cause potential flooding that will damage their crops * The National Holiday is only 4-5 days in a year * The working habit is five and a half day in a week RECCOMENDATION Segmentation for theme Park for all of the Family member, Targeting on all ages. Positioning of the Theme Park deliver the high end of Theme Park technology with the environmental friendly surrounding. Changing the Name is a must, EVERLAND seems suitable to the new mission. Make a synergy between other Samsung business to create worldwide connection to the theme park.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Explination Of Butlers Thesis :: essays research papers

Bret Hribar Q1:  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Butler’s theory of desire separates all desires into two groups, the desire for â€Å"self-love† and the desire for â€Å"particular affection†, which are all other desires like hunger, sleep, or sex. â€Å"Self-love† is a person general desire for happiness, this, as Butler states is an internal desire, a desire for our own enjoyment and satisfaction. Butler separates this desire from the desire for â€Å"particular affections† because these are all external desires, the desire for objects around us that fulfill those desires. He says that these desires are not based on reason, but may follow from it. For example a person instinctively wants to eat or drink but may not know why he needs to eat or drink. Therefore that desire for food is not a conscious decision, â€Å"I should eat now because I need the energy to live,† but rather it is an innate desire, â€Å"I want food because I am hungry.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His distinction separates all the desires into the reasoning section of the mind, that a particular action would be in the best interest of themselves, â€Å"self-love†, and the animalistic desire for a certain thing. For example a person who wants to smoke a cigarette does so because of the need for nicotine, â€Å"a particular affection†, whereas the person knows the cigarette is bad for them and that they shouldn’t smoke, which is self interest. Q2:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In order to show that all actions are not motivated by self-love Butler gives reasons why all actions might be motivated by self-love and them tries to disprove them. He states that all desires are self motivated, even the ones that appear not to be. A person may donate money to help the less fortunate but they are not motivated to do so because of a need to decrease someone else’s suffering but are motivated by a need to ease their own guilt.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The point he is making is that all actions done by a person are motivated by the desire for their own happiness and since all desires are ones own, all desires must be aimed at self-love.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The reason, Butler points out, that this deduction is wrong is due to the target of the desire. Some things are pursued because we know that they will make us happier, the reason or target of this desire is internal, that self motivated action is self love. Not all desires are based on our own best interest though, you may hate another person and want to hurt them, but by doing so may not be in your interest, he might break your face.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

La Virtud como Perfeccionamiento del Individuo Según John Stuart Mill :: Spanish Essays

ABSTRACT: En esta comunicacià ³n se presenta la concepcià ³n utilitarista de la virtud en John Stuart Mill. El cultivo y la adquisicià ³n desinteresada de la virtud se integran en el proceso de autorrealizacià ³n humana. La virtud es necesaria para la consecucià ³n de la felicidad y para el interà ©s general de la sociedad. Se analiza la virtud en Mill como un sentimiento moral que se trasmite por observacià ³n. Se finaliza con unas conclusiones crà ­ticas sobre esta perspectiva utilitaria de la virtud. En la tradicià ³n à ©tica occidental, la virtud es considerada condicià ³n indispensable del perfeccionamiento del ser humano. De ahà ­ que, en general, los planteamientos que tienen en cuenta la autorrealizacià ³n o el cultivo del individuo, integren un tratamiento mà ¡s o menos amplio de la cuestià ³n de la virtud. Ahora bien, el tema de la virtud puede ser enfocado desde diversas perspectivas que hagan prevalecer un aspecto u otro de la virtud. Estos enfoques dependerà ¡n, en à ºltimo tà ©rmino, de cà ³mo se haya concebido al ser humano. Pues bien, esta es la situacià ³n de nuestro autor, J. Stuart Mill, que desarrolla el tema de la virtud en dependencia de su concepcià ³n utilitarista de la moral, que, a su vez, es consecuencia de su pensamiento en torno al hombre. 1. Contexto de la teorà ­a milliana de la virtud Como buen utilitarista, Mill no lleva a cabo una especulacià ³n completa sobre la naturaleza de la virtud, su tipologà ­a, articulacià ³n interna... Tan sà ³lo està ¡ interesado por su funcià ³n prà ¡ctica, y mà ¡s en concreto por la necesidad que la virtud parece tener como medio para alcanzar la felicidad. El contexto de su tratamiento de la virtud està ¡ expuesto en su artà ­culo "Civilizacià ³n", (1) de 1836, donde describe la moderna sociedad comercial, incipiente en aquella à ©poca. Segà ºn Mill, en la sociedad comercial, el hombre concentra sus energà ­as en conseguir dinero y bienes materiales. La valoracià ³n de las personas descansa no "sobre lo que es una persona, sino sobre lo que aparenta". Este aparentar viene determinado por el cà ºmulo de bienes materiales a los que uno puede acceder mediante su dinero. Como consecuencia de este criterio de valoracià ³n, cada sujeto singular se ve sometido a una despersonalizacià ³n: cae bajo parà ¡metros puramente cuantitativos, "està ¡ perdido en la muchedumbre" anà ³nima, corre el peligro de perder hasta su propia identidad. Mill veà ­a con desagrado que, en este tipo de sociedad materializada, lo que se busca es, ante todo, el à ©xito. Una de sus formas mà ¡s conspicuas era, a juicio de Mill, poder de influir en la vida pà ºblica, a travà ©s del arte de la "charlatanerà ­a", con el fin de conseguir una audiencia cada vez mayor, inundando, con este fin, el mercado de libros y artà ­culos.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Recommendation For strength of TGV Cinema Essay

TGV cinema can take the advantage of strong financial position to make improvement as old fashion, traditional or manually operation will result in business being backward in the competitive edge. They should hire more workers to ensure that the system or program work more efficiently. Besides, it can do more promotions like offer various special packages. All these can bring their customers` satisfaction level to a higher level by utilize the good financial condition. TGV cinema has TGV cinema has the strength on providing new-brand experience with reasonable price. It has introduced featuring funky bean bags that allow you to relax and enjoy movies in unsurpassed comfort. So, it can utilize this advantage to attract more movie-goers by doing some advertisement on billboards or newspapers to enable the patrons know more about their services and facilities. Since 28 June 2013, TGV cinemas become fully digitised following the successful installation of 164 Christie ® DLP Digital Cin ema ® CP2220 projectors. Thus, TGV Cinema should utilize their digital cinemas in redefining cinematic experience for cinema-goers. This years, 3D movies are becoming a preferred option by movie-goers especially when available and at the same time the cinema advertising market is also largely untapped in Malaysia. So if there are 3D movies, why not TGV cinemas produce more enticing, interactive and creative advertisements through 3D advertisements. Recently, apart from hall bookings, TGV Cinemas also provides added services to complement the corporate and private functions such as customised menu to suit catering needs, customised party packs, and entertainment solutions such as magic shows, clowns, face painting and many more. Thus, to utilize this services, the Marketing Department should ensure the advertisement jobs are done well and information about this services is well distributed to the public so that they know about this existing services clearly and this services will become their first choice whe never they want to organize some functions. 3.1 Utilizing the identified opportunities Based on the SWOT analysis performed, Malaysia has lesser cinema compared to other countries. As number of cinema-goers is increasing, cinema companies are competing in satisfying customers’ needs. Thus, TGV cinema can  take this opportunity to expand their business by opening more branches over the country to serve people`s growing needs. This is a good opportunity for TGV cinema to increase their recognition in other countries and also improve the access to financial resources. TGV Cinema has developed a partnership with IMAX Corporation when they bring The IMAX Experience to audiences across Malaysia. As we know that IMAX is an innovator in entertainment technology, combines proprietary software, architecture and equipment, thus TGV Cinema should utilize this partnership to develop a good and trustworthy business relationship with them. The Chief Executive Officer and Managing Directors should also keep communicate with them to show interesting with their new products and come up with strategic planning that benefits both the companies. Based on the survey done by students from HELP University, Liew Chee Kit, Lee Weng Chuan on 2012, Hollywood film had been well dominating the movie business not only in Malaysia but globally as well. Thus, TGV cinema should utilize this opportunity to screening more upcoming Hollywood blockbusters to increase its number of customers. There are highlights of the 2015 movie season as it is filled with follow-ups to fan favourite blockbusters and a few re-imaginings of iconic tales such as Cinderella, The Avengers 2, Terminator 5, James Bond 24, and Star Wars: Episode VII and many others anticipating movies. 3.2 Overcome the identified weakness One of the weakness of TGV is ease of navigation. Nowadays, internet are very convenience and people are using it mainly for everything. However, not all of the internet users have the skill to use it well. Therefore, the information included in the webpage of TGV should arrange nicely and provide some basic guidelines to the users. Furthermore, TGV’s website also should provide all the relevant information in the hyperlink directly so that the users would not need to take extra step to obtain their information. These convenience will definitely attract more customer and maximize the profit of TGV. Besides, TGV should allow customers to enjoy more benefits and convenient by offering services such as launching a co-branded credit card. By launching this type of credit card, TGV can offers some discount at the same time to the customers who use credit card during transactions. This will allow them to enjoy fantastic movies at TGV by using lesser money.  With this concept, customers are definitely attracted by it. Lastly, the branches of TGV cinemas in Malaysia are lesser than its biggest competitor, GSC. This is also the weakness of TGV. Therefore, TGV should open up more branches in Malaysia. This will not only become a threat to other competitors but also leave a good image to the consumers. This is because people will recognise TGV easily when they sees TGV branches throughout the country whenever they go. 3.2 Overcome the identified threats Firstly, the introduction of GST at the rate of 6% is one of the threat to TGV. It will definitely affect every aspect of the business including TGV cinemas. One of the reason is the willingness of the consumers to spend money on watching movies in TGV cinemas is being affected. This will cause the reduction of customers of TGV cinemas. Therefore, we suggested that TGV should reduce the cost of the tickets for every movie. It also should have some special promotions or packages, such as offering a free combo popcorns for purchasing 5 tickets at once for a particular movie. As there are many existing competitors which become threats for TGV Cinema, thus they should develop a sustainable relationship with their customers and keep communicate with their customers by receiving sufficiently feedbacks on their services. This process can be progressed through Facebook as most of the people now have their own Facebook account. This process can help the company to understand their customers` demand, continually to come up with new plans that satisfy and fulfil their customers` desire and develop a competitive advantage in the industry. As the existent of DVD store such as Speedy Video Distributors Sdn. Bhd, online movies or illegal websites that provide the downloading of movies and home theatre will threaten TGV cinemas, they can choose to offer lower price of tickets to overcome this problem. TGV can also promote their facilities which are easily found or enjoy only in TGV cinemas through advertisements.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Its Not Strange To Mistake Change For Progress

â€Å"It is not strange†¦to mistake change for progress.† Millard Fillmore At the beginning of the story, Manor Farm is prospering. However, the animals are very tired and often unfed. The cruel owner, Mr. Jones, is often drunk, and neglects taking care of the animals. They are desperate for any change. Meanwhile, Old Major begins talking of his â€Å"Socialist Utopia†, where the animals would overthrow the unkind owner and establish their own government, Animalism, where all animals are equal. The exhausted, underfed animals agree to this, because it appeals to them as a place where they would be happy. Animalism was captivating in part because the animals were desperate for a change. In the Battle of Cowshed, they overthrew the farmer and his wife and accomplished what they had set out to do. They renamed the farm â€Å"Animal Farm†, and established the Seven Commandments, which basically stated that no animal was to have contact with humans, or kill another animal. The last of these was â€Å" All animals are equal.† The animals bega n to do everything on the farm themselves. By the end of each day, they were still exhausted, however, they ate as much as they liked. They also believed that there was a difference between working at Manor Farm and working at Animal Farm: they now weren’t working for some human who didn’t feed them, but were working for their own benefit, because all the crops they produced would be divided equally among them. This mentality continued in the more feeble-minded animals until the very end. However, some of them were beginning to see a significant attitude in the pigs (the wisest animals, and self-appointed leaders) after only a short time. The pigs begin, little by little, to take more food than the rest of the animals, covering it up with: â€Å" The pigs need more food, for they are managing the whole farm†. As time goes on, they take more and more food, and change the commandments to suit their n... Free Essays on It's Not Strange To Mistake Change For Progress Free Essays on It's Not Strange To Mistake Change For Progress â€Å"It is not strange†¦to mistake change for progress.† Millard Fillmore At the beginning of the story, Manor Farm is prospering. However, the animals are very tired and often unfed. The cruel owner, Mr. Jones, is often drunk, and neglects taking care of the animals. They are desperate for any change. Meanwhile, Old Major begins talking of his â€Å"Socialist Utopia†, where the animals would overthrow the unkind owner and establish their own government, Animalism, where all animals are equal. The exhausted, underfed animals agree to this, because it appeals to them as a place where they would be happy. Animalism was captivating in part because the animals were desperate for a change. In the Battle of Cowshed, they overthrew the farmer and his wife and accomplished what they had set out to do. They renamed the farm â€Å"Animal Farm†, and established the Seven Commandments, which basically stated that no animal was to have contact with humans, or kill another animal. The last of these was â€Å" All animals are equal.† The animals bega n to do everything on the farm themselves. By the end of each day, they were still exhausted, however, they ate as much as they liked. They also believed that there was a difference between working at Manor Farm and working at Animal Farm: they now weren’t working for some human who didn’t feed them, but were working for their own benefit, because all the crops they produced would be divided equally among them. This mentality continued in the more feeble-minded animals until the very end. However, some of them were beginning to see a significant attitude in the pigs (the wisest animals, and self-appointed leaders) after only a short time. The pigs begin, little by little, to take more food than the rest of the animals, covering it up with: â€Å" The pigs need more food, for they are managing the whole farm†. As time goes on, they take more and more food, and change the commandments to suit their n...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Discrimination And Harassment

Discrimination And Harassment Free Online Research Papers Discrimination and harassment are serious problems in the workplace today. People are discriminated against and harassed about their sex, religion, race, weight, handicap, etc. For me, these issues are very unethical, and that’s all there is to it. Really, what does a person or a business gain from committing these selfish acts towards others? I guess a laugh here and there from people listening in on the harassment of a co-worker. I personally don’t see what anyone can gain from any of this and surely there is not one company out there who could gain anything from these two issues. Although, I do see where a company could lose a lot of money and also ruin the good reputation they once had. A good issue to look at for discrimination is the Lilly Ledbetter case. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act is named after a 70 year old woman, who worked for Goodyear Tire Company and was paid far less than her male co-workers for doing the same job day in and day out (Pickert 2009). She also experienced sexual harassment many times during her employment with Goodyear Tire. At one time she was asked by her boss for sexual favors of some sort in return for good job performance evaluations (Pickert 2009). When it came to Lilly’s attention that she was being paid around $1,000.00 less than her male co-workers’ she filed a complaint with the EEOC. Shortly after this Lilly was put on a job to lift heavy tires, which she personally felt was retribution (Pickert 2009). Ledbetter sued Goodyear, who said they paid her less than her male co-workers’ because she was not a good worker! Ledbetter fought and won the case being awarded $3.3 million. Only to have it reduced to around $300,000.00 by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court also voted 5-4 against Ledbetter, that she was not entitled the compensation because she filed her claim more than 180 days after receiving her first discriminating paycheck (Pickert 2009). The court then sent stated that this was an issue for Congress to â€Å"clear up†. Clear up is just what Congress did. The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was the first piece of legislation that President Obama signed into law after taking Office. This law states that workers discriminated on the basis of gender have a fair chance to sue their employer, and that each discriminated pay check, a person has 180 days to file suit (Pickert 2009). Not only after the first check. One issue that I’ve chose to write about in dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace is one that is personal. It happened numerous times to my wife Monique at work in the R.V. facility she worked for. (I will not mention a company name, although it is now public knowledge). Monique had worked for the company for several months and had been dealing with sexual harassment for a couple of those months. It had started with simple little phrases from the plant manger to my wife. Monique is a very fun and outgoing person who can take a â€Å"joke† or a remark as long as it doesn’t get out of hand and personal. She not once said anything back to (this also married man) her boss after a comment and did not complain for fear of being fired by him had she spoke to H.R. or the owner. The plant manager got physical with his sexual harassment one day and Monique told him that that was enough and he had better never do that again. When she came home from work and told me what had happened I immediately called the company and complained on her behalf, because she was not going to for fear of losing her job or being treated different at work. I told the owner that if the situation was handled properly that we would leave the issue alone. Nothing was done or said to this man about what had happened! It was not a week later and another incident occurs. Again, I called to her work about it. To make a long story short. My wife ended up quitting work for the company after being treated much differently than she had being coming forward. And not to mention a lot her co-workers’ somehow found out what had happened to her. Her boss was fired after the company found out we had obtained an attorney and had filed suit against them for sexual harassment. The company settle d the case for a good price out of their pocket and admitted to the wrong-doing on their behalf. There is no room for harassment of this, or any sort in the work place. All that this does is distort it and make women/men afraid to go into a job where they are outnumbered by the opposite sex in fear of this. No one wants to go into a job and be harassed. Whether it is little verbal comments or the bad physical rubs, pats, smacks, etc†¦ When this happens we feel like we cannot say anything for fear of losing our job, or even simply that no one will believe us. Sexual harassment cases filed with the EEOC and the state and local Fair Employment Practices agencies around the country that have a work sharing agreement with the commission have declined slowly since 1997. From 1997 to 2007 the total number of cases is as follows and in order from 1997-2007: 15,889, 15,618, 15,222, 15,836 (an incline from 1999 to 2000), 15,475, 14,396, 13,566, 13,136, 12,679, 12,025, and anther incline from 2006 to 2007 to 12,510 (The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 2008). By looking at these statistics I would say that sexual harassment is calming down a small fraction each year in the work place. It is far from where I feel it should be; and that is zero cases frilled each year. I believe that in Kantianism that this would be understood this as in no way doing the right thing and only for that reason. A Kantian would see no way that any action stated above would bring them, or anyone else true happiness at anytime. A Kantian would have nothing to gain in any way from these actions. Kantians use themselves as a guide to their actions. They know that they cannot and will not gain a single ounce of good from these actions. A Kantian would not consider sexual harassment or discrimination in or out of the work place. Kantians have a duty to do only what is morally right. As to the question of are there any areas of discrimination in the workforce that I believe are legitimate? My answer to this would be- absolutely not. There is nothing moral to me about discrimination or harassment. Not one thing good can come from this. Someone will always get hurt. If it is the person being harassed or discriminated against, the person doing the acts, or the company that all the individuals are employed by. Not one person will gain any real happiness or sense of well being from this. These acts are just immoral in my book. References Pickert, K. (2009, January 29). Lilly Ledbetter. Time. Retrieved March 9, 2009, from Http://,8599,1874954,00.html U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2008). Sexual Harassment Charges EEOC FEPAs Combined: FY 1997- FY 2007 (Publication number unavailable) Retrieved March 9 2009, from Research Papers on Discrimination And HarassmentTwilight of the UAWResearch Process Part One19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaHip-Hop is ArtRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyLifes What IfsArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Buffalo Bill essays

Buffalo Bill essays Buffalo Bill was a man who as a child had a hard life. His real name is William Fredrick Cody. Even through all the disasters that happened in his life he pulled through. At the age of twelve his dad died. With very little education he pursued various jobs including a Wagoner, Trapper, and a prospector. By the age fourteen he joined the pony express. In 1863 during the Civil War he served as a scout for the Union Armys Ninth Kansas Calvary. Then in 1964-65 served with the Unions Forces in Tennessee and Missouri. After the war ended he tried various ventures. He tried running a hotel and freighter, he worked on railroad construction. In 1867-68 he became a buffalo hunter. He supplied meat to the Kansas Pacific railroad, and the legend of the nickname Buffalo Bill. BY his own count he had killed up to 4,280 buffalo. Then between 1868-72 he became a civilian scout for the fifth Calvary, while fighting the Sioux and the Cheyenne. In 1872 he appeared in a stage play by E.Z.C Judson, who under the pen name Ned Buntline began to feature Buffalo Bill in a series of dim novels. Buffalo Bill met Ned in NY and since then worked with him on these novels. Right after his meeting with Ned he went back to the plains where he started scouting again for the military. While he was there it is said that he captured and scalped the Cheyenne chief, Yellow Hand. In 1883 he decided to start the Buffalo Bills Wild West Show that toured America and Europe for 30 years. With himself as the star there was also various other marksmen and riders including Annie Oakley and mock battles with the Indians. Then in the 1890s he had settled on a large tract given him by the state of Wyoming in the Bighorn Basin (Later the site Known as Cody.) Due to financial troubles he had to shut down his show in 1913. During his scouting years he was awarded the congression ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Is the American Education System in Trouble Essay

Is the American Education System in Trouble - Essay Example Literacy's worth has changed and America has apparently become a "dropout nation". In answer to this dilemma, fingers are pointing to several aspects of America's education system; there are incompetent educators, obsolete curriculum, overcrowded schools and lack of funding for the system. It is an unending blame game where there is no winner and all are losers. Frank Salvato (2006) vividly mentions in an online article that: "It is ironic that liberal institutions of learning complete with accelerated courses in the humanities, sociology and ethics, are increasingly producing graduates who have no ethics, no understanding of morality and no mastery of the skills that can reasonably be described as the basics of education". Here, Salvato is clearly pointing to how dismal students are being taught even in the so called well established academes. Many have been calling out for an overhaul in the system to refocus its aim to teach or educate students on what is important and relevant. Old curriculum's and traditional teaching methods tend to be boring for students nowadays. Boredom leads to disinterest, which is one of the common reasons high school students drop out of their schools. The most obvious reason for dropping out of high school is poverty and poor academic performance. But even in suburban areas in America where money is not a big issue, parents and school authorities are finding it hard to keep kids at school. Often than not, students are not motivated to go back to school. Some dropouts choose to go direct to work and earn money instead of "wasting" time learning things they can learn themselves. Dropping out of high school has become so common especially since the law gives anyone who is 16 years old (or 18 years old in some states) the right to discontinue his/her education given that they have valid reason to do so. In fact, according to a recent PR News Today (2006) online article, 3,000 American students drop out of school for every school day and that most of them are poor readers. Moreover, only half of the high school graduates continue on to finish their college degrees. What most people tend to overlook is that dropping out of high school means minimum wage jobs and slim chances of going up the ladder. It's an almost certain way of being in a degenerative cycle, where dropouts rear children who choose to drop out of school eventually too. It is certainly a challenge for the school administrators, parents, and the society at large to make students realize that staying in school is the most important step they could take to improve their financial capacity in the future. In an online article by the Oprah Winfrey Show (2006) website, it was stressed that American students used to be among the best in the world about 20 years ago. Presently however, American students are lagging in academic rankings and even ranking behind poorer and smaller countries like Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and India. There are also an increasing number of high school graduates who later find college level education hard to cope with. Their high school curriculum evidently did not train them to be apt to that level. Even more disappointing is that some who graduated top of their classes perform miserably in their college years. What happens if the American education system continues to fail The country and its

Friday, October 18, 2019

Healthcare and Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Healthcare and Law - Essay Example penses, once whatever coverage they would have runs out, or if the individual(s) in question would lack insurance, the greater question would become how to pay for the subsequent bill(s) in their entirety. There are countless health conditions that may require an individual to seek the assistance of a doctor at any point in their life. One such instance would be for those patients seeking to initiate the procedure of breast augmentation. While for some, the procedure of breast work would be for cosmetic reasons, for others, such work would come after the presence of a health condition, such as breast cancer that in turn, would require the reconstruction of the breast. With the introduction of the material added during such a procedure, there are risks that may result from the procedure being performed. Such as, the rupture of the material within the breast and as such, results in other health consequences as a result for the patient. For this very reason, there would exist laws state and nation wide, to serve as an education tool that would ideally, stave off any potential negative ramifications that may occur. From a legal standpoint, one such example of a case that would have been filed, due to issues surrounding breast implants, would involve a woman from San Diego, California. In this case, â€Å"A woman who claimed a design flaw in her silicone breast implants caused them to rupture and leak has lost her lawsuit against the manufacturer, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing,† (â€Å"Woman†, 1999-2010, para. 1). By the action taken through the court system, the verdict rendered, would illustrate the apparent feeling on the part of the court that, in terms of rendering guilt, they would feel that the manufacturer of the implants in question, would not have been liable for what would have occurred to the patient in question. With this case, â€Å"Marva L Smith, 43, had sought damages against 3M for the cost of surgeries to remove the implants, to correct

Long-Term Isolation in Prison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Long-Term Isolation in Prison - Essay Example In fact, because those who impose the torture, prison officials, correction officers, and the lawyers who defend them in court, do not discuss it in any meaningful way. They do not release statistics about how many prisoners are kept isolated from the rest of the prison population, and they appeal any verdicts that say that solitary confinement is cruel and unusual punishment. Yet, how something that can cause the same amount of physical damage as being hit in the head hard enough to change one’s brain function, like as little as two weeks of solitary confinement does, can be called anything but torture is beyond reason to most people. This widespread and uniquely cruel form of torture goes by several different names. Among them are solitary confinement, segregation or â€Å"SAMs† (i.e. Special Administrative Measures) established â€Å"in 1996 for gang leaders and other crime bosses with demonstrated reach in cases of ‘substantial risk that an inmate's communica tion or contacts with persons could result in death or serious bodily injury to persons’" (Theoharis). Perhaps no one speaks of solitary confinement in terms of inhumane torture because they believe it is used just for the worst of the worst, the gang leaders and crime bosses, and since September 11, 2001, terrorists. Cool Hand Luke was thrown in â€Å"the hole† for defying the prison camp’s rules, and most people’s concept of solitary confinement matches what was portrayed in that movie and others like it. Most people believe solitary confinement is a place for inmates who violate prison rules. And, to be fair, it is. There are not a lot of freedoms to restrict or privileges to take away from a prisoner who has already had most of his/her rights removed through incarceration. Maybe though it is just easier not to think of such things. After all, if one is not a criminal, one never has to worry about spending 23 hours a day in a cinder block cell with no television, radio, or newspapers. Not even a deck of playing cards are allowed. Books are and usually, inmates in solitary confinement can write letters to one family member once a week, although the rules on that vary. Some inmates in segregated units—another more sterile name for solitary confinement—can have visitors; some cannot. They can leave their cell for one hour a day to exercise or shower, and all that activity is watched by guards via monitoring devices. These are not conditions most people see as humane even for criminals convicted of heinous crimes, but what should be done with prisoners who cannot get along with other prisoners, who incite violence or are caught with contraband in their cells? Solitary confinement seems like the only alternative. That is why it is surprising to some to learn that many prisoners kept in segregation are not violent, have not broken any rules, and are not being punished per se. Miki Ann DiMarco, a transsexual female incarce rated before the transformational surgeries were completed spent fourteen months in protective segregation in Wyoming Women’s Center. Because DiMarco still had some male genitalia, prison officials thought it best to keep her out of the general prison population for fear that she would be harassed.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Are traditional approaches to security correct to position the STATE Essay - 1

Are traditional approaches to security correct to position the STATE as the referent object of security - Essay Example One should ask themselves whether it is plausible to include other parameters like demography, environment and resources. (Daniel, 1998) This means that the concept of international relations must be redefined; this is because there may be other underlying assumptions that have governed it. There are common strains and factors that have broken national borders. It must also be remembered that communication and information has undergone rapid changes. Besides, finances and capital are flowing all around the world. The clear dividing line that separated foreign and domestic policy is now distorted. This has now caused states to deal with problems in international forums rather than domestically. (Paul, 2000) Security perceptions may either be narrow or wide. Narrow concepts focus on power as the main agenda while wide concepts focus on cooperation. It must be remembered that human rights and international law are crucial determinants in this analysis. There are a number of occurrences that have sparked this debate. The first was the unification of Europe and Germany in the year 1989. Shortly after, there was the September eleventh attack in the year 2001 that posed new challenges to the American government. The security concept is now widening from national security to human or individual security. It has also expanded to include other factors like; actors, food, energy, health and other sectors. (Mathews, 1993) In opposition to the view that national security is of prime importance, other bodies like the United Nations Commission of Human Security have endorsed and proposed the idea of human security. However, traditionalists argue that this concept is too wide. It does not provide a clear outline of cause and effect like national security does. In addition, these conservatives further claim that the concept of global security is a mere complication of an already

Caffeine and the Brain Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Caffeine and the Brain - Term Paper Example Generally CNS stimulants are addictive. The drugs that fall under this category include nicotine, methamphetamine and caffeine. Dextroamphetamine and Methylphenidate are prescribed medications. They are used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). They are also used to treat narcolepsy. Overdose of these drugs can cause hallucinations, fast breathing, weakness in the muscles, aggressive behavior, coma, among other effects. If these drugs are taken in large doses or over a long period of time the user may become addicted to them. Many over the counter pills used for treating headaches have caffeine as their main ingredient. Pills that also help the user to stay awake for a considerable long period of time also list caffeine as a major ingredient. Other common uses include diet pills and medication for the common cold. The concentration of caffeine in these common medications is less specific than those of prescribed drugs. Caffeine produces similar symptoms like those caused by prescribed stimulants. Even a small dose can affect the brain and nervous system. It also acts on the heart, bladder and muscular movements. Ingesting small doses, however, does not result in problems. Persons who take coffee everyday take a longer time to get a certain effect when compared with non drinkers or occasional users. Larger doses can result in nervousness, palpitation, nausea, insomnia and headache. There are other adverse effects associated with larger doses. Persons using the drug for the first time and ingesting large doses may end up having caffeine jitters, convulsions and even tachycardia. Taking extra large doses of the drug can be fatal. Taking more than 5,000 mg at any one time or at short intervals will be fatal. Studies have shown that a daily dosage of up to 400 mg per day is unlikely to cause any adverse effects (Nawrot et al.), except for women who are considering pregnancy as well as children. The adverse effects high

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Are traditional approaches to security correct to position the STATE Essay - 1

Are traditional approaches to security correct to position the STATE as the referent object of security - Essay Example One should ask themselves whether it is plausible to include other parameters like demography, environment and resources. (Daniel, 1998) This means that the concept of international relations must be redefined; this is because there may be other underlying assumptions that have governed it. There are common strains and factors that have broken national borders. It must also be remembered that communication and information has undergone rapid changes. Besides, finances and capital are flowing all around the world. The clear dividing line that separated foreign and domestic policy is now distorted. This has now caused states to deal with problems in international forums rather than domestically. (Paul, 2000) Security perceptions may either be narrow or wide. Narrow concepts focus on power as the main agenda while wide concepts focus on cooperation. It must be remembered that human rights and international law are crucial determinants in this analysis. There are a number of occurrences that have sparked this debate. The first was the unification of Europe and Germany in the year 1989. Shortly after, there was the September eleventh attack in the year 2001 that posed new challenges to the American government. The security concept is now widening from national security to human or individual security. It has also expanded to include other factors like; actors, food, energy, health and other sectors. (Mathews, 1993) In opposition to the view that national security is of prime importance, other bodies like the United Nations Commission of Human Security have endorsed and proposed the idea of human security. However, traditionalists argue that this concept is too wide. It does not provide a clear outline of cause and effect like national security does. In addition, these conservatives further claim that the concept of global security is a mere complication of an already

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Healthcare reform Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Healthcare reform - Research Paper Example The health reforms have targeted three major areas: uniformity of plans across gender, age and people with pre-existing diseases; accessibility to quality healthcare; and rein in cost (Whitehouse). The cost effectiveness would broadly be addressed by enforcing measures to control wastage, fraud and abuse in Medicare. The austerity measures and savings would further enable the healthcare industry to spread medical insurance to larger segment of population who have not been covered under healthcare plans due to lack of finances. $630 billion have been allotted in the budget of 2010 which would be used as reserve for the healthcare reforms over a period of ten years (OMB). Graham (2011) asserts that ‘Affordable Care Act offers the potential to address the needs of racial and ethnic minority populations, by bringing down health care costs, investing in prevention and wellness, supporting improvements in primary care, and creating linkages between the traditional realms of health and social services’. Thus, it can be successfully concluded that reforms initiatives in healthcare would go a long way in promoting equality and non discrimination at all levels of healthcare

Value of Homework Essay Example for Free

Value of Homework Essay Homework can be defined in simple words as â€Å"any task assigned to students by school teachers that are meant to be carried out during non school hours (cooper 1989).†Students are expected to complete their homework time. Completing homework properly helps students with understand their class work, quizzes, tests, and exams. Most parents think their children are getting less homework. Students who are from low income homes should review over their homework. There is a specific time students for each grade should be spending on their homework. All parents want their children to do well in school. Most parents want to know what their children are learning in school and how they’re doing. Parents usually ask their children if they have homework and how much. These days’ parents say that their children are getting less homework, no matter how much their children get. They just want to see their children studying all day. Sometimes children do get less homework but that doesn’t mean they should review over the work. Parents usually tell them that they should review over their work if they finish early. For parents homework is as easy as going down a slide, but for some students, homework is like fishing because it is boring. Students who are from low income homes might not have all the resources that students form high income homes might have, but they should still review over their homework. The more they review the better they will do in school. Students from low income homes should go for extra help if they don’t understand something. Some students might have well educated parents who can help them but if they don’t they should go for extra help. For some low income home students, homework is as hard as a rock because it is hard, and for most high income home students, homework sometimes has easy killing questions. There is a specific time students from each grade should be spending on their homework. Homework is work at home, work at home is homework. Students from high school should spend at least 1  ½ to 2  ½ hours per night on their homework. Middle school students should spend at least less than 1 hour per night, but if students spend more time on their homework than this, they will probably do better, and everything will seem easier for them to understand. As it was mentioned before, homework is very important to get good grades on tests, quizzes, exams, etc. For some students homework is very hard, for some students homework is very easy, and for some students homework is just fine. But students should always keep in mind that homework is the key to get good marks in classes.

Monday, October 14, 2019

STA Travel Business Strategy

STA Travel Business Strategy STA travels primary aim is attract young and active as well as adventurous consumers anywhere around the world. A sensible business strategy might be to offer what the customer want when they need it, By operating more than 400 retail agencies around the world STA continues to take more risky environment and would planning to expand into new markets to further its reach in to the student travel world. As many of organizations, STA travel managers give the impression that upgrading or changing components of information system will positively impact a business strategy. Therefore it takes advantage to expand it market by developing staff training mechanisms on networking system and modernizing its electronic communication with their customers. STA provided BLUEe which is a single booking system pointed to every purchase in STA travel by offering features on network, infrastructure, finance and operating system. Furthermore STA make available to their customers a highly interactive webs ite which attributing video reports STA customers about their travel destinations and freely downloading facilities the second life client or mainland as an advantage to becoming a playing member. It is important to balance the strategy triangle. By making any changes in the information strategy or organization strategy in first then the triangle getting out of balance and will be have an effect on other involving areas too. By considering on that view point when STA building their virtual world they do changes in business strategy like making staff are more productive and making widest possible work place opportunities. As well as STA travel is trying to attract more customers by holding expensive resources, using expertises knowledge and international programs in their group service division. By building these changes they trying to make connection between managers and their travelers. STA travel build a contract to develop their marketing attendance on second life through the computer simulated virtual world. As a well run organization the business strategy of the STA makes the rest of the organizational and informational strategy is not appear a big different. Organisation Strategy When considering the STA travel organisation design, STA had grown-up and spread out its global reach through a chain of mergers. To responsive to their globally distributed and various cultural consumers that the STA organised around responsiveness and would be including elements of autonomy, empowerment and authority as close to the action as possible. If organisation needs to have responsive, it would not work to have centralized decision making authority. Because it takes long time to get information up and decisions back to the field. The travelling process organised through the market analysis and service histories. Also they do series of organisational process (such as STA travel second life, by building a virtual world) and make sure customers the STA travel is able to actually ready to provide their booking service when customer need their service. STA designed web portal attract more travellers in to business and provide more information by downloading second life client software guide. From this second life web site STA travel offer their potential players to free download game and through the online the software connected to the grid computer servers and it is hosting one small area of many islands and the mainland. The new organisation structure in STA is centralized and provide more flexible infrastructure. Accordingly it has most advantageous of environment for monitor and implement new process. STA travel implements shared services measurement for certain processes and functions. And also STA provide level of structure when they making any decisions (CODA Group, p.3) In STA second life travel locations structure organisation would include; Dedicated portal and orientation island this will provide easy ways students to joint their second life and learn to find the way to the virtual world Virtual dorms helps to have private meetings and get together. Virtual travel destination provide experience in Mayan ruins, Asian temples and French cafes. STA travel main office provide the tour package information Produced Live weekly events and tours Sandbox provide practice to build own their virtual world. Information Strategy STA travels information strategy supports its business strategy through the innovation and openness. It has decentralized information strategy in each business unit and each unit responsible for their own IT operations. Currently STA has consistent and cost effective IT base that provide facilities to maintain of their world around operations. (Savvis ,2009,p.) Its web portal attract potential travellers by permitting their customers to downloads their client software and maintain online travel arrangements to suit the needs of the business. Their web sites provide mechanism to connect to their world wide travellers, to take their bookings, to provide services when the traveller needs more information regarding any destination and link to other branches. In STA most counties web pages consist look and feel and each country marketers feel free to design their marketing campaign using methods attach to internet. Fir instance, the US office run a virtual marketing campaign for spring break called body shots. To get more advantage they advised it on face book and Myspace too and also they offer facility to their customers to contact them through emails. STA taking the advantages of the through their new web technology such as they used to advertise, set up discussion groups and entertainment , use tools like second life to promote its services. Furthermore, STA travel information strategy support to their business strategy by helping to meet their business objectives of revenue generation as well as increasing referral income and improving online business sales conversion rates. Moreover, STA travel accept to work with IBM global Business Service and build up long term business plan with them to develop their business strategy. Also they help to STA travel to implement a global electronic commerce technology system to control STA across multiple web sites as the same time they offering the elasticity to adopt their local content. By having support from IBM and Open Text, STA travel keep up their latest online tends to get more benefit on their global business. The STA travel increasing their sites demand by offering new facilities, such as user generated travel log access and personal recommendation. Very speedily they rolled out new online services to thirteen countries. They can easily and quickly make the updates and changes in the web sites. Because the template or code of the web site updates are implement only once to the master project. (Open Text, 2009) It is good having virtual staff with proper information technology knowledge according to their whole system changes, because it will be more efficient and lead to increase their production and business operations. The STA travel flexible information structure supports the innovation and creativity to its business strategy. 2. According to porters value chain model STA travel also do some activities that create, deliver and support the organizations service. The real world From the beginning STA travel attract their customers through the retail travel agencies. Most of these agencies located in the near or on the campuses. When they started to run their application through internet they met new online competitors. For a instance, student universe and student city and less focused online travel agencies like Travelocity and Expedia. However porters value chain model suggests that competition can come from lowering the cost to perform activities and adding value to product or services. To be approachable to their global and culturally different customers STA travel gives more independent, responsibility and authority coverage. STA travel branches in each country have a power to maintain their own travel sales and marketing arms. north American STA division owned highly interactive web site which providing video reports about their travel destinations. As we can also think that there is tremendous relationship between STA travel business and information strategy. Because of the information system completely support what STA travel trying to accomplish in their business plan. Such as STA travel provide flexible and reliable information on a worldwide scale through their web site. They introducing different cultures, provide the experiencing with variety people and places around the world, make study groups, works and entertainment facilities. STA travel business model build up to meet the individual customer requirements through their on line booking and information system. STA travel expecting feed back about their quality vision from customers. Also they visible in the value chain on the product and service selling point, the place the where the travelers buying their tickets, in the airline operating point. STA always able to provide best value for their customers and had world class finance foundation in the financing system. (CODA Group, p.) The virtual world The work package as described in the contract with Electric Sheep Company (ESC) will develop virtual marketing on second life. This package given more attention to the island by designing high visibility site regarding on second life, producing the island and manage the events. Also by using electronic performers firm organized to marketing in virtual environment. From the second life web site players can download the client game software. Once in the online the client software connected to a grid of computer servers, each hosting area contain many islands and mainland which present in the second life. Machinima competition among current residents of second life is important point in the virtual world value chain because machinima is a style of movie making by using avatar as members of the cast and then using those entire make a film mix with virtual world context too. Selected videos provide within second life with their service information. STA travel provides opportunities to players to make up initial design of their online persona their avatar. From this mechanism players can see back of their avatar, nearby people, signs and buildings. And For new players system provide basic tool including instant massage and chat capabilities for communication with each other. In the contract mentioned that island include the STA mall and presenting free or with payment virtual goods which providing from second life trades, community lounge area, exhibition area for holding the events, STA information centre, various online initiatives and information about their travel partners. Further more plan to provide mix of tours of second life, live music from local musicians as well as tutorial sessions. 3. STA is a larger globally expanded student travel agency, presently attracting more than 6 million travelers world widely. It provide reasonably price as well as wide spread services to their customers. Such as financing air and train tickets, booking facilities for travelers accommodations, work and tours and study programmers. Furthermore they provide subsidiary services relating to their main services. Such as shopping discount cards, travel insurance, electronic visa processing system and discounted cell phone services too. Additionally, STA travel organization locates their retail agencies around the world and operates numerous call centers and stylish web site which make easier access to their world wide customers when their bookings and online travel research and customer support service. (Savvis ,2009,p.) STA travel is more competitive, well leading sales organization. By presence in second life, STA travel arranged more web base analysis and activities than earlier life. By providing free downloading client software to second life or occurring facilities to visit mainland. Because of more entertainment and new technology they use STA able to achieve more customer satisfaction and attraction. Second life strategy generates numerous destination islands to attract more customers and holding machinima competition among the second life clients. Machinima the movie making style make films by using avatar as cast members and with the context of virtual world. The main idea is to boast second life members who already make virtual world. STA travel used some of selected movies to provide information regarding existing visiting places and more details about those packages. The orientation island is another important element in the second life strategy. Most of the organization makes it to promote their island but it is main barrier to newcomers. For the eve ry newcomers orientation island provide lessons in communication, mobility and also avatar outfitting. However, it is difficult to maintain and attract return visitors in Destination Island. Newly, STA introduce new social community service to their customers such as share stories and questions with each other in the world. In the second life strategy STA travel try to maximize their online campaign by keep an eye on all activities on web applications. Additionally, make the improvement in visitors online visit by using analytics web tools and given that broader approaching to business performance. 4. As mentioned in case, still STA travels does not sign contact and its work package explain that commitments to develop virtual market in the second life. The Electronic Artists, a specializing company in marketing virtual environments will be going to create web blog. However keep the machinima completion with other second life residents. It is good idea making movie in the context of virtual world and planning to attract more clients and by using best selected movies to provide same real world services to second life. By taking advantage in virtual STA in second life customers can save time and money taking information from web portal before actually they make any tour. other interesting point in here is the earlier visit traveler can make an web account by placing their own tour experiment in second life and have a discussion group and also they can make feed back about STA travel campaign. STA virtual world applications help to predict customer behavior by providing Enjoyment attractions. 5. When considering the STAs virtual world, there are several threads we can face, such as use of new technology, IT support, business development, arising legal security issues, grown up content and discussion group and cost.For the large scale of virtual world need speedy computer processor and video cards with steady network. Therefore players want to familiar with the new technology parts and need to have knowledge in IT environment. STAs virtual world completely run by the grid computer server therefore it is essential for the IT support to maintaining and running the STAs virtual world. by considering current and future business development it is essential to take expertises support in their IT strategy and wants to handle the system carefully. Another challenge STAs virtual world has to face with the personal information safety and data protection. Players mostly concerns security issues given by the vendors before they enter to the second life. When bearing in mind the content o f the virtual world, concerns of the legal issues important point to vendors, for an instant gambling. When providing software guide about the virtual world it is vital to think about time they have to spend. Most of players expecting shot time leaning curves. STA needed carefully planned about their investment for lon term virtual world development.( Penfold, 2008,p.) The SWOT analysis used to concerns the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threads for STA virtual world in second life. Strengths Providing better travelling experience with enjoyment is main advantage I can see in the STA virtual world in second life. Pdf6 Considering the network services it is providing quicker, easier online facilities such as through the web portal they can access user travel logs and private advice. STA own independently running web sites all around the world. (Open Text, 2009) Weaknesses main disadvantage is the cultural differences they have to face with when they expanding globally. Technology difficulties are the next weakness that the STA has to familiar in their virtual world in second life. Because the there are able to occurring functionality difference from site to site. and also to provide learning-edge services to younger generation is more costly. (Open Text, 2009) Opportunities STA virtual world in second life adding variety of interactivity and enjoyment opportunities for their clients life. Social interaction and group communication is another opportunity can be able to access. ( Penfold, 2008,p.) During the team players communication virtual world helping them by providing instant feedback, can be set up trust through several communication paths and enable to remove boundaries in geographic and culture differences. Can offering a chance to improve their member attraction by providing playful environment. (Owens,Davis,Murphy,Khazanchi Zigurs, 2009) Threats when considering further more, the time limits, new technology support and available resources are main challenges in the second life. ( Penfold, 2008,p.) It is challenging to find new technology well-known and educated audience in each location. In addition, it is not easy task to control content of individual sites and always to keep STA travel organizations information current. (Open Text, 2009) 6. It is not true that attendance of STA virtual world cannibalizing its real world presence. STA virtual world just only taking more advantages in business strategy than real world by improving their earlier web based technology capabilities. For a instance the machinima style just has step further technology advantage only the content or the services by using it same as STA provided in their real world, providing existing visiting places information and information reflect to how to travelers get there. Because of virtual world capabilities providing more facilities to collaborate and interact its more attractive with second life members. Furthermore in the virtual world student can easily and quickly give feedback on their experience and to make upgrades and changes in the web sites is quicker than eailer. (Owens, Davis, Murphy, Khazanchi Zigurs, 2009) The virtual world development and vividness of environment have some similarities to the real world web. In the virtual business in second life have joint technology like stream media, 3D together with grid computing and all are apply in to the virtual world structure. Therefore in conclude can suggest development of the virtual business strategy is parallel to the earlier web base business development have in the real world. And these business relationships more effectively help to the virtual world developments. (Wei, 2007,p.) 7. To get better answer for this question I suggest it is important to go beyond with the benefits severing by STAs virtual world in second life. Second life is likely a virtual world society. Virtual world has brightness environment and new technology ability to make available occasion to build social interactions and partnership with other team members. Also virtual world and its technology ability support teams to take challenges in IT field. This technology facility is unique advantage in the virtual world. By using STAs virtual world technology capabilities quickly members can have face to face group discussion using their avatar in virtual space. Members can modify, design and build their avatars like to produce direct trust. Another advantage and possible chance that people can taken from current virtual world technology is can share virtual objects and documents in between virtual world and other software tools too. And new technology expertises expect that this opportunity will be explore within the virtual competitors. (Owens,Davis,Murphy,Khazanchi Zigurs, 2009) Furthermore, virtual world provide more cost effective platform to discover STAs travel destinations. For the newcomers they provide a flexible introductory programmers and chances to have an experience in virtual world and offering student support for innovation and research on traveling destination. Another point we need to bare in mind that most of second life competitors having the benefit from virtual world technology. Virtual world is not just a fun space it have potential improvement in educational programmes too. ( Penfold, 2008,p.) By considering above facts I suggest that STA management may taken this action by bare in mind that their main target audience is younger generation and usually students like to move to virtual world in second life fun to use, make more interest in learning and have an interactive experience. In addition, uses and technology capability provide in the virtual world in the second life be able to carry on wider grow globally. Because currently, most of the young people use virtual technology to learn, entertain and work as also build up more social interaction. More over, nowadays among the younger generation the time virtual world is becoming a more common place for communicating with each other including instant massage, chat facilities and email service in the virtual space. (Penfold, 2008)

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Italian City :: History

Italian City The Renaissance was the period from 1350-1600. The Renaissance began first in the city-states of Italy for many reasons. Although most of Europe had become a big economic crisis during the late Middle Ages, Italy managed to avoid everything and their towns remained important centers of Mediterranean trade and boost their production of textiles and luxury goods. Town life was bigger in Italy than in other parts of Europe. Therefore, most Italians could easily discard feudalism and other medieval institutions. Because Italy was wealthy and successful, they became independent city-states, each of which included a walled urban center and the surrounding countryside. The Italian city-states started a new social order. It was that wealth and ability mattered more than aristocratic titles and ownership of land. Wealthy merchants and bankers replaced the nobles in the upper class. Shopkeepers and artisans ranked below the wealthy merchants, forming a moderately prosperous middle class that employed a lot of poor workers. Most of these workers came from the countryside. And at the very bottom of the social ladder, were the peasants who worked on the country estates for the wealthy classes. During the Renaissance, Italy was not under one government, but was divided into the city-states. Each of these were ruled by wealthy families whose fortunes came from commercial trading or banking. A lot of times, workers rebelled against the upper classes. Their demands for equal rights and lower taxes, however, remained unspoken. During the 1400s, social conflicts became so bad, that many city-states decided to turn over all political authority to one single powerful leader to restore peace. These leaders were known as signori. At times, city-states would have territorial disputes. Since military service would interfere with conducting business and trade, the signori chose to replace citizen-soldiers with hired soldiers known as condottieri. The major city-states were Florence, Venice, Rome and Milan. A banking family known as the Medici ruled Florence in the 1400s. The Medici rulers helped to keep the spirit of humanism alive in the city-state’s scholars and artists. With the spirit alive, Florence became known as the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. Lorenzo de’ Medici (also known as â€Å"the Magnificent† as a result of the city’s prosperity and fame) ruled Florence from 1469-1492. He used his wealth to support artists, philosophers, and writers, and to sponsor public festivals. During the 1490s, Florence’s economic prosperity began to decline due to increasing competition with English and Flemish cloth makers.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Secret Life Of Great White Sharks Essay -- essays research papers

Great White Sharks are greatly misinterpreted as vicious man-eaters because of the media, movies, and people’s imaginations, but they are actually large fish who mistake people for seals and other marine life. What is a great white shark? The great white, among the least understood of Earth’s creatures, is an apex predator, meaning that it is at the top of the food chain with no natural predators. This means great whites have their pick of food when it comes to selecting their prey (Klimley 15). Carcharodon carcharias, better know as the great white shark, have existed as a group for over 350 million years (Long). Its name means â€Å"ragged-toothed† (Gorman 10). The largest white shark on record was 21 feet long and weighed 7302 pounds. Its ancestors, now extinct, were three times this size, with teeth that were six inches long (White Shark). Today sharks are represented by over 600 species (Long). Great whites are part of a grouping know as mackerel sharks, a grouping which includes the salmon, porbeagle, and maco shark (MacGregor 46). Unlike the true fishes, sharks do not have internal bone, but instead have a cartilaginous skeleton (Long). This stiff flexible material is found in the ridge of your nose and in your earlobes. Because cartilage does not leave fossil remains like bones, there are no fossils of ancient sharks- just their teeth (Klimley 56). Little is known about great whites because they are enormous, bulky, and hard to handle. And that’s when t hey’re dead. Their body temperature is sometimes ten to fifteen degrees [Celsius] warmer than the surrounding water, which makes them efficient predators in cool water (Gorman 15). The back of the shark is a dull gray color and the underside is colored white. The tail is crescent shaped. There are five gill slits on great white sharks. Studying a live great white shark up close and in detail is, for obvious reasons, practically impossible (Sanders 31). The great white is the only shark that can hold its head above water to see what is happening on the surface (MacGregor 47). It has been said that sharks do not swim through water as much as they â€Å"fly† through it with their torpedo like body (Gorman 25). The fins of a shark serve important roles in this action. As the shark moves the Caudal, back, fin to propel it forward, careful adjustment of the pectoral, side, and dorsal, top, fins keep the shark leve... planet. For them to be driven to extinction by man, a relative newcomer, would be more than an ecological tragedy; it would be a moral travesty (Gorman 29). Works Cited All About Sharks. 5 Feb 2001. <<a href="">>. Bowman, S.C. â€Å"Shark Attacks.† Reader’s Digest July. 1995: 74-8. Gorman, Jessica. â€Å"Inside the Great White.† National Geographic Apr. 2000: 2-29. Klimley, A.P, Anderson, S.D, Henderson, R.P, and P. Pyle. Great White Sharks: the biology of Carcharodon carcharias. New York: American Publishing Inc., 1996. Long, Douglas. The White Shark. 5 Feb 2001 <<a href="">>. MacGregor, Elise. â€Å"Beyond Jaws.† Windsurfing Magazine. Sept/Oct. 1993: 45-9. Martin, Glen. â€Å"Great White Sharks.† Discover. June. 1999: 54-61. Sanders, Zack. â€Å"A Great White Shark.† Newsweek. Oct. 1996: 30- 36. White Sharks. 20 Feb 2001. <<a href="">>.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Managed Heart: Emotional Management vs Emotional Labor

Can a person†s heart be controlled? Do all people go have some form of emotional management or emotional labor in their lives? In the book, The Managed Heart, written by Arlie Hochschild , discusses the issues of emotional labor and emotional management. In the book, it describes the difference between the two issues and gives Hochschild†s opinion on those issues. The first issue is emotional management. This is where the fight attendants learn how to deal with certain situations that they might encounter. Basically, they are taught to manage their emotions and look at their situation from the other side. By doing this, the flight attendants can create a happy and more comfortable setting for the passengers. On page 113 in the book, it states that the fight attendants should imagine a reason to excuse an obnoxious or unruly passenger. This is what Delta teaches: emotional management. The other issue is emotional labor. The use of emotional management is emotional labor. They flight attendants use surface acting in everyday work life. They are there to make the passenger feel comfortable and happy. This is a cover sheet for the flight attendants emotions. They are in a way bottling up their feelings to produce another feeling. The problem with emotional labor and surface acting are they become a part of that person. Hochschild thinks that this is a bad thing because one will never break away from the emotional labor and in turn have trouble expressing their inner feelings, (deep acting) in their private lives. In summary, emotional management is emotional labor. Emotional management is the learning how to deal with situations. Emotional labor is the actual use of the emotional management. Learning emotional management is helpful, but can affect that person†s lifestyle. When they use emotional labor, they are hiding their inner feelings to create are better atmosphere for others. People using this might never be able to distinguish the difference between their surface acting and deep acting. Hochschild†s sees this as a problem for the people affected by this emotion manipulator. This will affect their friend†s, family, and the rest of society.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

A study of the catfishing scheme of hile according to special agent steve kim Essay

A 29-year-old man from Michigan intended to kill a woman and her boyfriend from San Diego who got unwittingly involved in the man’s virtual love affair. The man, by the name of Hile, had gotten himself involved in a â€Å"catfishing scheme†. A â€Å"catfishing scheme† is â€Å"when a person uses social media to pretend to be someone their not, typically to engage in misleading online romances†. Hile was involved in an Internet-only relationship for two years. He exchanged explicit photos and romantic communications with someone who he believed was a woman. When Hile learned that the â€Å"women† he thought he was in a relationship was a man living in South Africa he â€Å"became enraged and vowed to find the man who deceived him and the women when images played a role in the deception†. According to Special Agent Steve Kim in the San Diego Division, â€Å"The woman, in this case, was a victim twice†. Kim explains â€Å"when the woman was 18 years old, she took revealing pictures of herself for personal use, never intending for them to be seen publicly. Those photos were later stolen from her online account, which she was aware of, but she had no idea what was being done with them†. Hile’s primary target for the revenge was the man from South Africa who actually dumped him. According to Special Agent Steve Kim South Africa was too far away and using a process she described as â€Å"circular logic† he went after the women instead. Even though the women had nothing to do with this internet-only relationship scam with the man from South Africa and Hile, he still believed she had some kind of responsibility just because she was used in the pictures. Hile was determined to learn the woman’s identity he cyberstalked her, conducted extensive online searches, and used hacking tools. Special Agent Steve Kim said â€Å"Eventually, he was able to hack into her e-mail account,†Ã‚  Hile got a hole of very detailed personal information on the women. He found not only information about the women but her live-in boyfriend and also their extended family and friends. After finding out her Address, telephone numbers and even information such as her favorite restaurant he purchased a bus ticket from Michigan to San Diego to kill the women. â€Å"Fortunately, Hile’s family sensed that he was planning something and alerted authorities, which eventually led to Hile’s detention in San Diego, about a mile from the woman’s residence.† When hill was arrested he not only had all of the information he collected about the women but also had duct tape, zip ties, and a to-do list which included things such as obtai ning a knife and chloroform. Special Agent Steve Kim said, â€Å"Had he gotten there, we are convinced he would have hurt or killed the victims†. â€Å"Hile was found guilty by a San Diego jury in August 2013.† This case influences my ethics because I feel that what this man did was wrong. Hile had no reason to attack the girl in the pictures, she was unknowingly involved with the internet-only romantic affair Hile was having. If Hile chooses to get involved in an internet-only romantic affair with someone he should have known the risks of doing so. I also feel that from a standpoint of him being arrested 5 years is not enough time in prison. â€Å"The maximum allowed by law for interstate stalking is five years in federal prison,† I think this man should have been charged with intent to kill. I know each state has its own cyber laws but is their not a law covering this type of situation? I could only find information on laws with intent to kill that involved a type of battery or assault paired with it. I could not find any laws specifically relating to someone who was cyber-stalking someone with an intent to kill them. I think this man should have had a different sentence due to the circumstances of this crime. My own computer security of ethics would be as follows. I would not use any knowledge I have learned to break into any computer systems. I would not use computer systems in any way that may harm people. I would not snoop around in another person’s files. I would not use someone’s computer or computer resources without authorization. I would also never release malicious software on to others computer systems. I think that having a code of ethics when using computers can be as simple as being considerate and respect for your fellow computer users.    References The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) (2013, December 23).  Cyber Stalker – Cautionary Tale of Online Romance and Revenge. Retrieved  March  2, 2014, from Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia (2014, February 26).  Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved  March  3, 2014, from

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Explain the differences between a group and a team Essay

Explain the differences between a group and a team - Essay Example To describe it briefly, it will be suffice to say that all teams are form of work group but not all groups are teams. There are several fundamental principles that distinguish the two. First is accountability. In groups, members are individually accountable within the group; they have to be alert from people within the group. In teams, however, individual accountability does exist but on a minimum level; teams are accountable mutually. Instead of reporting to one another or someone from amongst group, teams report to a higher authority. This means that teams are more united and open with each other. This also highlights the fact that usually groups work on lower levels while teams work at higher, more independent level in the hierarchy (Thornton, 2010). Secondly, members working in the group meet regularly to circulate information and discuss perspectives whereas team members just meet occasionally to make decision, plan, and solve any problems that arise in a meanwhile. This implies that team member share more trust than group members do, making them more self-reliant and confident of their own actions. Thirdly, group members work on individual goals while team members work on mutual goals. This shows more unity and togetherness that is shared by people working in the team. For instance, people in groups may work hard for promotion/to please their supervisors/ in order to get a pay upgrade but team members will worry less about such petty matters and try to get bigger tasks done. Fourthly, groups focus more on individual products while teams emphasize more on team products. Instead of getting their names high like in groups, team members focus more on efficiency and excellence, making merit the parameter for judgment. Next, groups have defined roles and responsibilities whereas team members are more liberal with these lines and feel free to share each other’s work. Lastly, in groups, manager, with little say from members, shapes the goals and tasks desi gned to achieve them. On the contrary, team leader brings the whole team together to shape the goals and delegate tasks on each member with their complete will. This gives a sense of ownership to the goal and creates a free environment where learning and creativity thrives (Levi, 2010). As the world is coming together to form a global village, it is important to embrace, appreciate and celebrate the diversity, which flourishes as people from across the world come together to accomplish goals of mutual interest. However, diversity is tough to handle since it requires a lot of compromise and patience to settle down with. Nonetheless, importance of diversity cannot be over-emphasized. With people from different backgrounds, religious views, ethnicities, social status, and education coming together on a common platform, the ideas generated, and discussions held are more multi-lateral and creative. In addition, the solutions found with diverse bodied thing tank are applicable to more tha n a single thinkers and work in more than a few conditions since its planners have put together their own personal experience in planning and critiquing it, refining into more applicable and garnishes the concept. On the other hand,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Realistic Theory of International Relations Research Paper

The Realistic Theory of International Relations - Research Paper Example Two options are available to the players in such a scenario. To gain power and to survive, countries can attack and capture other areas ruthlessly as Napoleon and Hitler did. The other option is to see that a balance of power is maintained. This can be done by diplomatic relations, alliances or by force. Bilateral trade agreements, aid to other countries are examples of diplomatic relations. NATO and the European Union are examples of alliances. There was a time when the US and the USSR were the two balancing powers of the world. The US attacked and also supplied arms to Vietnam fearing that the spread of communism in the country and other places may shift the balance of power in favour of the USSR. It would be effective to define realism at this point. A Cambridge University Press publication defines realism in three steps. An instance where this theory does not hold good or becomes ineffective is the case of terrorism. Terrorism is practically invisible even if countries who abet t errorists are identified. The terrorists do not come to the negotiating table nor do they work in visible organized structures. If the opponent is not available for negotiations or to fight with, it is not possible to think of survival or strength. A country may be hit by a terrorist attack at any time. Security becomes practically ineffective if suicide attacks are resorted to by the terrorists. Even a strong nation like the US can be shocked by attacks such as the September 11 suicide attacks on the Twin Towers. But there is practically nothing that can be effectively done by any country in such a situation. The US attacked Iraq and set up a new administration.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Business Approach to the Use of Primary and Secondary Research Essay

Business Approach to the Use of Primary and Secondary Research - Essay Example According to the research findings, Primary Market Research and Secondary Market Research are the two categories of market research. In order to get an overall adjusted and faultless depiction of the requirements, demands, and needs of your business, primary and secondary market research should ideally be used in concurrence with one another. Neither can be used as a standalone tool to gather all the vital and relevant information for a successful business plan. However, using both enables a business to gather all the required data needed to identify and reach the target market. Utilizing primary research alone, without first seeing what has or has not worked for different organizations, is liable to expedite insignificant inquiries or missed chances. In the meantime, depending singularly on secondary research is prone to disadvantage you with responses that are ambiguous or inappropriate to your particular target market. Business environment research commonly entails sociographics, market size and trends, business regulations, and demographics to develop a customer and/or competitor profile. The prime focus of primary research is to gather and unearth original data. To encompass data collection and data input and then analyze the results is vital for an effective and successful business plan attempting to reach its target audience. Primary research is conducted to acquire information about the unanswered or vague questions. In order to collect relevant data, one starts from the scratch and every step of the research process needs to be completed. It can also be said that data is collected from the real world in primary research (Penn). Using various means and strategies, a business collects data on its own or hires someone to collect data and information on its behalf.  

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Strategic Management - The Two Men and a Lot of Trucks as a classic Case Study

Strategic Management - The Two Men and a Lot of Trucks as a classic example - Case Study Example The initial capital was only $350 while the labor included only two men and a mother who had a job in the public sector. All that was needed to be done was to haul the things that needed to be transferred, to make sure that nothing is damaged, to deliver it and then unload again and that's it! How hard can that be The crucial point that must be understood is that business ventures involving services and products that are very easy to provide/produce has low market barriers. That is, many people can easily enter the market once they realize how profitable it is. We can therefore expect sever competition. Indeed, there were competitors who even resorted to harassing the owner of the enterprise by calling her to court for a trivial offense. Nonetheless, the company grew and it is because it employed strategic management measures. First in the list is orienting the company to be customer-friendly. As clich as the concept would seem to be, it is still one effective way of generating sales. There are some products, such as necessities like food, where the demand is large and continuous that the supplier does not need to seriously bother with customer concerns. However, people do not move frequently and if they did, they can opt to do it by themselves or choose from a list of home-movers. Being customer-friendly can influence the customer not only in choosing your services but would also entice them to relegate the tasks to you. In moving appliances, there is always the risk of damaging items that may have sentimental value or is just plain expensive that people would not risk others hand ling them. It is important to show that you care and that is precisely what the company did. Next in the measures employed were innovation and focus. The company went as far as establishing a course in handling the items to be transferred. This innovation had the effect of delivering to the public the message that the company was very much into improving itself and was very serious regarding the business. If we are a prospective customer, who would we choose No doubt it would be the one who we perceive to be serious in providing quality service. It is the one who provides value for money. Another innovation that the company employed was to adapt a logo and uniforms both of which endowed them a degree of professionalism. They were not merely some service provider from across the street. The company's logo and uniform were marks that they are legitimate and that they have been in the business for some time. Another right move was for the mother (the entrepreneur) to go full time and quit from government service thereby losing her pension and other benefits. Had she decided to stay in a job that offers her a stable retirement, she would not have managed and guided the company to success. The economic principle that business involves tradeoffs is very much in operation. Another smart move was to franchise the business. Most enterprise owners are afraid to share the business to others because they might fail and drag the company with them. However, the company made sure that all the franchisee and handlers were all properly trained. Franchising the business also provided the opportunity to grow as much needed capital flowed in. It widened the service coverage and can therefore serve much more customers which translate to greater sales. There is much wisdom that can be gleaned from the case of the Two Men and Lots of Trucks all of which are worthy

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Profiling 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Profiling 4 - Essay Example Technology which causes victimization includes cyber net, cell phones, ATM machines, electronic data transfer etc. However, in the contemporary world the most intense victimization is seen over the internet. Within the last few years internet identity crime has gained enough recognition throughout the world (Gray, 2010). This is based upon an individual’s personal identity numbers, bank accounts, school information or any other security code which is unique to every person around the globe. Online criminals hack or steal this information and then they use it for causing financial, physical or moral damage to the victim. Victimization is now increasing with a stimulating rate as compared to the past. Moreover, the lack of awareness regarding internet identity crime has also facilitated it to a greater extent (Gray, 2010). People suffering from victimization are usually reluctant to contact law enforcement agencies because of embarrassment or due to the chances of further victimization by the offender. It is significantly easier for any cybercriminal to harass an individual by staying at a distance. This increases the complexity of the situation for law enforcing agencies since they fail to trace the offenders. Online criminals do not only harm individuals rather they possess the ability of destroying large corporations, for instance, by simply causing them financial loss or interrupting the bank transactions (Gray, 2010). Victims of online crime belong to a relatively narrowed group of people who are largely neglected by the judiciary system. Victimology was only recognized in the middle 20th century, before that, criminals were the major focus of the law enforcement agencies. There are primarily three factors which initiates victimization in this era of technological advancement. These include the environmental affects, characteristics of the offender and most importantly the precipitation of the victim. Environment